O ensino centrado no residente: uma revisão integrativa sobre um novo paradigma na formação profissional

  • Janderlandes Leão Chaves Medeiros Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Caxias (MA)


This article aims to analyze existing research on the resident-centered teaching method. This study is an educational approach that prioritizes the development of the resident as an autonomous professional and critical thinker. The methodology addressed was an integrative review conducted by the Scielo academic databases, electronic magazines, academic journals that address the topic in question. Results revealed a number of benefits associated with resident-centered teaching, including increased resident satisfaction, improved knowledge retention, development of critical thinking skills, and increased professional autonomy. Furthermore, some challenges and barriers associated with implementing resident-centered teaching were identified, such as resistance from preceptors, time constraints, and lack of resources. Based on the results found, it is suggested that resident-centered teaching be adopted as an educational approach more widely implemented in residency programs, aiming to improve resident training and prepare them for future professional practices.

How to Cite
MedeirosJ. L. C. O ensino centrado no residente: uma revisão integrativa sobre um novo paradigma na formação profissional. Health Sciences & Education, v. 5, n. 1, p. 312-325, 26 Jul. 2024.