O uso de metodologias ativas no ensino superior: um relato de experiência com o círculo interativo


This study discusses the importance of using active methodologies in higher education for initial training of pedagogues. It is known that the traditional teaching method centered on the teacher is still present today in the teaching and learning process of students, even though it is not the most appropriate for the development of students' intellectual autonomy. Active learning promotes quality education in a collaborative and motivating way. With this innovative perspective, the aim of this study was to identify aspects of the importance of using active methodologies in the initial training of pedagogues. Higher education institutions, together with the teaching staff, have a very important role in training professionals who respond to the expectations and needs of the current job market, therefore, adjustments are necessary in the teaching and learning process. As a methodological procedure, a literature review was carried out on the concept of active methodologies over the last seven years and an experience report was presented on the interactive circle as a proposed active methodology in higher education. The scientific survey made it possible to understand that practices involving active methodologies make a significant contribution to the training process of future educators.

How to Cite
LimaA. P. C. T. de; Marlene de Cassia Trivellato Ferreira. O uso de metodologias ativas no ensino superior: um relato de experiência com o círculo interativo. Transitions, v. 5, n. 1, p. 57-77, 28 Jun. 2024.