Inteligência Artificial OpenAI Chat-GPT-3.5® comparada ao método tradicional para construção de Histórias na saúde


Objective: to develop and compare comics about childhood depression using the traditional method and the use of Artificial Intelligence. Method: This is a methodological study in which two forms of content production for comic books were compared: the construction of comic books in a traditional way and the construction of comic books through the use of artificial intelligence. The stage of validating and making the material available consists of the same form for both content production formats. Result: Both methods gave rise to a main character and six supporting characters, however the traditional method made it possible to create 16 story frames and the artificial intelligence method 8 story frames. It was envisioned that the comics would take place at 3 different moments. The introduction of the character, the help and the therapy. Conclusion: Comic books are one of several forms of health care. The use of resources like this allows professionals-patients-family to come together, which can help with treatment and ensure that undesirable effects decrease. The construction of the material in both ways was satisfactory and conducive to a look at the use of artificial intelligence in the health sector. A limiting factor is the ability to generate images through texts, at the time of publication of this article, as artificial intelligence platforms do not generate images through large texts, having the limitation and need for illustration for human researchers.

How to Cite
SilvaG. B. da; SouzaL. P. de; MedeirosJ. G. T.; PellandaL. C. Inteligência Artificial OpenAI Chat-GPT-3.5® comparada ao método tradicional para construção de Histórias na saúde. Health Sciences & Education, v. 5, n. 1, p. 9-36, 4 Jul. 2024.